Report - Mid Summer 2024It finally seems that some summer has at last arrived! We
have been out in the town as usual, with some good
contacts made and more examples of good will. Some people
have been prayed for and blessed in ways that only time
will tell! Recently, Deborah met a couple who were looking
a bit down. On enquiring, it was discovered that Malcolm,
(not his real name), had recently had a major heart
attack. Deborah offered to pray for him whereupon, he said
that as a result of his recent 'fright', he had "made
things right with God"; Deborah was then able to pray for
him and his partner for God's continued blessing and
revelation. Dedorah, on a usual roll, then went on and was
able to pray for Jeff, who had a very sore leg. Geoff and
Judy had a unique experience when they met Gavin and
Tracey with their pink Cadillac. |
Report - May 2024
Spring has been wet and windy, but we have continued with
our programme of Saturday mornings, with an ever-increasing
flow of thanks and appreciation from so many people. We met
many people...there was for example the man who had twice
attempted to take his life whilst struggling with severe
bi-polar; he told us that he had experienced the very real
power of God on one memorable occasion which had changed his
life forever. Unfortunately, our conversation was
interrupted when his son and grandson arrived. This is a
good example of the need to have a strategy on occasions
like this, for arranging to meet at a chosen time at a local
cafe to pursue the relationship. We live and learn.Talking
about being on a learning curve, we have all noticed that
our confidence has grown; we are more comfortable in
initiating conversations and talking and praying, when
appropriate, with people we meet. Bexhill Horse Show May 25th Having delivered the gazebo to the field by 8:15AM, Geoff and Anne waited for others to arrive and by 8:45AM the gazebo was up and our team of twelve were ready for a full day’s work of keeping the field litter-free. We were given some free drinks and some of us managed to be blessed with food too!We had been asked to help clear any deposits made by horses where their riders were unable to dismount and sort it. We pointed out that our litter clearing equipment would not be suitable, but happy to help if mini shovels were provided!!! Thankfully we were not required, but look out for the inevitable cartoon! We had lots of good comments and thanks all day. I have a lasting memory of the two lone figures of Geoff and Andrew, at the very end of the day, picking up the smallest pieces of paper from the far end of the field! Meanwhile, a young man approached the gazebo and, seeing the bold Jesus Loves Bexhill sign, said that he would like to be baptised. We were asking him if he attended a church and whether he understood about baptism, when his girlfriend distracted him and called him away. He did not return so we were left wondering just how genuine his question was. We prayed for him anyway! In all, a good day’s job well done and above all the name of Jesus was lifted high once again in our town. The Chairman of the Horse Show later wrote; “Hi you all did a brilliant job, I can imagine as at the end we had 8 one-ton bags of trader’s rubbish that we had to dispose of! The seagulls were thinking to themselves “dinner time |
Report - March/April 2024Summer still seems a long way off, but not daunted, we
have been out in force, faithfully backed by our Payer
Team each fortnight. The colder the weather, the greater
has been the appreciation shown to us by those we
meet...last week, we even had someone calling across the
street from an upper floor window to thank us; so much
good will and all in the name of Jesus! |
Report - February 2024Despite some very wet and cold weather, we have been out
litter-picking and spreading the love of Jesus; smiles and
friendly faces in the name of Jesus make a huge
difference. Who would have thought that litter in our
streets could be put to heavenly use! We have a great team
of prayers and litter-pickers! Litter-picking has resulted
in many seeds being sown, simply by wearing our Jesus
Loves Bexhill tabards, and we have received many smiles of
gratification and thanks. We are believing for a great
harvest during the coming summer months. |
Report - 13th January 2024For this week's feedback, I would like to start with the
prayer team. We were greatly encouraged by the
feedback from the prayer team this morning. Two
particular pictures were shared: the first one, that each
of the team walking the streets this morning were like
lighthouses - each one shining the light of Jesus not just
forward, but in all directions as people see us from the
front, sides and from behind; the second picture was that
of a net, and that we were fishers of men and
women. The litter picking team were greatly
encouraged, and we shall remember these pictures as we go
out in the weeks and months to come. The encouragement that we are fishers of men and women in Bexhill is a great encouragement to every one of us. There are some skilled in wielding the nets to bring in the catch, and there are many others supporting in other ways. All are a part of the group and play a part in bringing in the catch. May we please see many souls 'caught' and harvested this year for you, Lord Jesus. |
Report - 14th October 2023We had another morning of adventures on Saturday, but firstly let me tell you about Kevin, who we met last time. Kevin: briefly, Kevin is
currently homeless, who we met sitting on a bench, reading
"The Lord of the Rings"...a
great conversation starter! We invited him back
to the Bandstand where he explained that he was on a
journey, walking to the Jurassic Coast in Devon. We talked
about our journeys with Jesus and we prayed for him.
Menaka, very helpfully, produced a list of places in
Bexhill where he could be given food and a warm-up
welcome.On this occasion, there were twelve of us;
Kevin said he would look out for us and in fact, Helen
bumped into him in the town later in the week. Meanwhile, last Saturday,
though small in numbers, we set off in pairs as usual,
knowing we had the all important prayer backing from our
Prayer Team. Judy and Mike met Dawn and her carer, David. Mike
recognised Dawn as she had been a parent of
children at Sidley School. Dawn is suffering with a
bad back, a result of osteoporosis. Geoff meanwhile, set off to visit the 'Warm-up the
Homeless' shop to explain the Information card and to get
their advice. They proved very helpful and pleased to have
some cards to give out. THE FOOTBRIDGE GALLERY PROJECT
Report - 16th September 2023Our adventure, in support of Bexhill Lions and the
continental market, started for us late Friday afternoon
when we met for prayer at David & Pam’s and, whilst a
number of our regulars were away in Falmouth, we
nevertheless had a good time of prayer, and we are looking
forward to all meeting together. Our prayer times have
been interesting in as much as we all come from different
backgrounds and even different ways of praying. It’s
exciting that when we all come together, we will be guided
by the Holy Spirit and all our prayer lives will be
strengthened and nourished as a result. Before we had even started, Andrew met up with a man
called David, who had had to have his dog put down the
previous day. Jasper made a fuss of him, and
Andrew showed love, sympathy and
understanding. Andrew told him that he would
pray for him, and that God could fill the hole left by his
companion. At midday we met together in the bandstand and were visited by Veronica and Frank, who we had earlier met in Devonshire Road. We have witnessed to Frank over a number of years, prayed for him and invited him to church, up to now with little success, but he voluntarily, with hardly any encouragement, stated that he would like to come to church, and so arrangements have been made to collect him next Sunday. (Please look out for him at Kings, Bexhill, if you attend there on this Sunday). Isn’t that great, sometimes you get instant blessings, sometimes it takes a while, but we must never give up. Then in the afternoon, after talking to some stall holders, I took a break by having a rest on the bench at the top of Western Road; after a few minutes I was joined by Andrew, who noticed after a while that there was a chap leaning on a bollard next to the bench, with a painful expression on his face. Andrew asked him if he was ok, which he wasn’t, and if he needed to sit down; we quickly gave him the space. He shared that his knee had locked up and he needed to sit down but didn’t want to ask. His name was Kenny, and we proceeded to have a good conversation with him, including that God loved him. He is a newcomer to Bexhill, a very nice chap, very friendly and positive. All in all a blessed day.